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Nog meer sponsors!! Dank jullie wel dat jullie allemaal Danny willen steunen in zijn avontuur naar en in Abu Dhabi tijdens de Special Olympics World Games 2019 !!!


Vandaag een artiekel in het Algemeen Dagblad en in Groot-Nissewaard. Danny wordt nog beroemd ;-)

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Wethouder Martijn Hamerslag overhandigt zondag 16 december om 10.00 uur aan twee G-atleten van SPARK een cheque voor Special Olympics World Games 2019 in Abu Dhabi 2019. De overhandiging is bij AV Spark, Atletiekpad 1 Spijkenisse, tijdens de Spijkenisse SPARK Marathon.

Sporters Bryan en Danny doen tijdens de World Games in Abu Dhabi mee met atletiek. Bryan gaat kogelstoten, 1.500 meter hardlopen en 4x400 meter estafette lopen. Danny neemt deel aan 100 meter hardlopen en kogelstoten. Samen met de sporters uit onder andere Breda gaan we er een feestje van maken!


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Weer twee sponsors erbij!! Dank jullie wel dat jullie Danny willen steunen in zijn avontuur naar en in Abu Dhabi tijdens de Special Olympics World Games 2019 !!!


Dank jullie wel dat jullie Danny willen steunen in zijn avontuur naar en in Abu Dhabi tijdens de Special Olympics World Games 2019 !!!


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Alphatron Marine is pleased to support employees and families in achieving special and unique challenges in life…..

The Special Olympics World Games is the world’s largest humanitarian sporting event and a global movement which focuses on the empowerment of People of Determination with intellectual disabilities through the power of sport.

The Special Olympics World Games 2019 will be hosted in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates in March 2019. Over 7,000 athletes from over 170 countries will be coming to compete in a series of sports, as well as a variety of initiatives and activities held across the seven Emirates.

During the World Games, athletes can show their talents and skills on a world level and show that they deserve as much respect and appreciation as anyone else. Under the motto “changing lives, changing attitudes” the Netherlands will join this special event and send a delegation of 80 athletics participating in sports like tennis, judo, athletics, gymnastics, swimming, horse riding, sailing etc.

My son, Danny de Korte, will be participating as a member of TeamNL and come out in athletics on 100 meter sprint, shot put and 400 meter estafette.

Danny was born with very low muscle power, not able to cry or to drink by himself. After 4 weeks Danny was diagnosed with Prader Willi Syndrome. The following years Danny become stronger and was able to go to education and started at the local Athletics sport club. We have never dared to dream Danny will participating a sports event like the Special Olympics.

Alphatron is sponsoring Danny in his goal to win a Medaille at the Special Olympics World Games.

Be a supporter of TeamNL and Danny!

Hans de Korte

Alphatron R&D

More information can be found at the webpage of the Special Olympics https://www.abudhabi2019.org/ and the webpage of the Dutch Special Olympics https://specialolympics.nl/

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